Death and Life


I am currently busy with a trilogy. A set of books by Robin LaFevers, His Fair Assassin.

The book, in simple, is about a group of trained female assassins who get sent on trips. They are known as the daughters of Mortain. Mortain is the god of death. Mortain is a higher spiritual figure. These women/girls don’t praise the negatives people associate death with but the relief and balance death brings to the world. Death is not a great process but it is a necessary process for the better or the improvement of what was before.

Death is dark and to be honest very frightening. It’s a thought I try to avoid. Horrible.

Whilst reading ‘His Fair Assassin’ I have come to realize that Life and Death are individuals, obviously, yet depend on each other to sustain any form of life. Without death there is no life and without life there is no death.

I wrote two pieces, thoughts rather, over the Easter break. Thoughts that sort of some up my views on Life and Death and how they need each other.


“Death travels far and wide looking for a lost love.

A love that would survive its darkness.

His dark realm.

Death and Life were once one.

It’s just unfortunate we get in the way of Death.

On Death’s path to find Life.”


“Without Death, there could be no life.

Just as the roots of living trees must reach down past the loam and soil to find substance from the Underworld, so too are we sustained by Death.

We see punishment and starkness in Death, yet there is beauty as well.

The small black beetles that burrow deep in the earth to die every winter, only to be reborn in the spring.

The tree branches that turn to barren bone, yet unfurl with the new leaves.

Those are the promises that reside in Death.

Death paves the way for Life.”

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